Acupuncture Supplies

Achetez les Aiguilles d'Acupuncture Shinlin Pendant le Vendredi Fou-
Durant les soldes du Vendredi Fou, c'est l'occasion parfait pour approvisionner vous et votre clinique en manière d'équipements d'acupuncture Shinl...

Why Acupuncture in Canada May Be the Answer to the Opioid Crisis
Acupuncture in Canada is one of the most effective pain management therapies and could be an alternative to opioid addiction.
Healthcare systems ar...

What is TDP Lamp/Acupuncture Heat Lamp? How it works with TCM therapy?
What is TDP Lamp/Acupuncture Heat Lamp? How it works with TCM therapy?
TDP lamp, or so called Acupuncture heat lamp, is commonly used in Tradition...

How to Find Acupuncture Needles, According to Professional Acupuncturists
High quality sterile acupuncture needles are a necessity for any professional acupuncturists or practitioners. Although seemingly simple in their ...

Get Stocked Up on Acupuncture Needles on Lierre’s 11th Anniversary Sale
Professional acupuncturists require high quality acupuncture needles to be able to get the job done right. Patients are counting on you to have th...

5 Frequently Asked Questions about Acupuncture
Acupuncture is rooted in ancient Daoist tradition, brought to Western perspectives decades ago. Although it’s an effective way to treat pain and o...