Huiles essentielles

Best Essential Oils to prevent and relieve colds
Winter has arrived and we heard that it will be a long one this year. To start 2020 in the right way, we have a few recommendations.
Like any Win...

Top 3 Essential Oils to Prepare for Winter in Canada
Aromatherapy as a healing modality has been used in a number of ways, like using essential oils derived from plants and trees. During the dark wint...

Essential Oil 101 : Get the Right Thing For Your Needs
So many essential oils out there and used in so many different ways, how do you know which essential oil’s right for your needs?
Essential oils are...

Best Essential Oils for Colds, Flus, and Coughs
This fall and winter, eventually the majority of us will end up struggling with a cold or flu. The hacking, sneezing, and sniffling’s a lot. Althou...

4 Organic Essentials Oils for Thanksgiving
This time of year, the sense of home and Thanksgiving holiday's spirit is really tied in with the smells of the season. The smell of a fresh baked ...

Essential Oils That Help With Anxiety
It is very common to suffer from anxiety. It shows up in many different ways and everyone deals with it differently. Although one great way to deal...