Acupuncture Supplies

Acupuncture et Lombalgie
Le mal de dos affecte presque tout le monde! Il est estimé que près de 80% d’entre nous souffriront, un jour ou l’autre, de maux lombaires; une vér...

What Do You Know About Aculifting?
Though most Canadians are aware of acupuncture as a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine, not everyone’s aware of its increasingly prominent role i...

Tips on How to Choose Acupuncture Needles
The most important pieces of equipment acupuncturists have to buy are, of course, needles. Practitioners should carefully consider which brand of n...

What Are The Advantages of Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing technique that has been getting renewed attention since 1997, when the United States National Institutes ...