Acupuncture Supplies

What should we know about acupuncture needles: sharpness, resilience and size
At the very beginning of your career, it can be hard to choose acupuncture needles. There are too many brands, types, materials and sizes. After al...

Why Acupuncture in Canada May Be the Answer to the Opioid Crisis
Acupuncture in Canada is one of the most effective pain management therapies and could be an alternative to opioid addiction.
Healthcare systems ar...

Get Stocked Up on Acupuncture Needles on Lierre’s 11th Anniversary Sale
Professional acupuncturists require high quality acupuncture needles to be able to get the job done right. Patients are counting on you to have th...

Get Acupuncture Needles at the Lowest Price in Canada during Lierre’s 11th Anniversary Sale
Pure bliss awaits on the other side of an acupuncture session, at least when performed by an experienced practitioner. For practitioners and acupu...

Here are Canada’s #1 Acupuncture Needles Brand List
Acupuncture has been shown to help patients overcome limitations set in pain, stress, women’s health issues, allergies, weakened immune systems, d...

3 Amazing and Unexpected Benefits of Acupuncture in Canada
Acupuncture uses the insertion of extremely thin needles into the skin, having been used for thousands of years to treat a wide array of different...