Facial Gua Sha & Reflexology tools from Lierre.ca Canada

How Can Gua Sha is Benefiting the Skincare Industry – Read Here!

Skincare relies on health and beauty trends, new product promotions, and finding treatments that work to make a person feel more confident. Skinca...
Beginners Guide to Gua Sha Facial from Lierre.ca Canada

A Beginner’s Guide to an Ancient Body Facial Massage Tool

“What is Gua Sha?” If you’ve seen these tools at your local chiropractor’s office, trending on Instagram, or at your acupuncturist clinic, you’ve p...
Gua Sha Reflexology Tools from Lierre.ca Canada

How to Choose the Right Gua Sha Tools For You!

You may have seen Gua Sha being performed with a number of different tools, including some nontraditional objects which aren’t even made for Gua Sh...
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The Completed Massage Table Size Guide

A perfect size and shape for a massage table varies depending on the therapist. Choosing the right one can be a challenge but this is what this siz...
shop gua sha tool for face in canada at lierre.ca

Top 10 Gua Sha Tools Suggested by Lierre.ca

Gua sha is a form of ancient Chinese medicine that involves scraping the skin with a firm edged tool. Doing so is believed to relieve muscle tensio...
shop gua sha in canada at lierre.ca

What is Gua Sha Exactly? Is It Dangerous?

Similar to acupuncture, gua sha is a traditional East Asian medicine. Applied on the body, gua sha addresses muscle pain and tension. Applied on th...