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High-Endurance Athletes are using Cupping Therapy to Increase Performance

Endurance sports are tough enough. Swimming stars, NBA players, and members of the US women’s gymnastics team know the value in healing the body i...
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Finding Pain Relief through Regular Cupping Therapy Sessions

Chronic pain is no fun, affecting every aspect of a person’s life from personal to professional. Typically, going to a doctor for chronic pain in ...
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3 Big Reasons more Canadians are Trying Cupping

Cupping therapy would be a new experience for many Canadians. As a form of traditional Chinese medicine, some too easily dismiss cupping as having ...
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Why Cupping Therapy might be the Key to Success for some Athletes

Olympic athletes from all backgrounds, alongside various Hollywood A-List celebrities, are using cupping as a means of relaxing tight muscles and i...
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Should you Try Cupping – Hear from an Expert!

Since the 2016 Summer Olympics when American gold medal winner Michael Phelps exited the pool with round purple marks on his back, cupping therapy’...
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Is Cupping for Back Pain an Overhyped Trend or a Real Solution – Read The Answer Here!

Cupping is known for the discolored circles they leave behind but its benefits have been hyped big-time as something almost miraculous for tight ba...