Acupuncture Supplies

Acupuncture Found Effective for Sleep Apnea Relief, better than CPAP
In treating sleep apnea, the most common thing to do is to buy a CPAP machine. That said, machines like these are bulky, a little noisy, and not to...

How Long Should Needles Be In for Acupuncture
From patient to patient, the right acupuncture treatment time varies. There is no universal fixed time one must keep in their acupuncture needles. ...

Can you buy acupuncture needles without a license?
Can you buy acupuncture needles without a license?
Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has been practiced for thousand of year...

Acupuncture et Lombalgie
Le mal de dos affecte presque tout le monde! Il est estimé que près de 80% d’entre nous souffriront, un jour ou l’autre, de maux lombaires; une vér...

Qu’est-ce que la sensation de-qi?
Si vous connaissez déjà l’acupuncture chinoise, vous avez peut-être déjà entendu cette expression, mais vous n’êtes peut-être pas au courant de son...

What is the de-qi sensation?
If you’re familiar with Chinese acupuncture, you may have already heard this expression, but may or may not know what it means. In fact – perhaps a...