What is UVA & UVB:
UVA and UVB rays are the two most powerful rays that the sun emits and that reach us. The Ultraviolet A rays penetrate your skin to its thickest layer, called the dermis. That’s why wearing sunscreen is imperative if you want to not only protect yourself from the heightened risk of skin cancer but also a rapidity in visible signs of aging.
What’s the difference between mineral sunscreen and classic sunscreen?
There are a few main differences between the two types of sunscreen. For starters, mineral sunscreen deflects the ray while regular formula-based sunscreen will absorb the rays and dissipate them. Another big difference between the two are the ingredients inside. Sunscreens contain filters to block UV A & B rays. The regular sunscreens usually contain chemical filters that are used as active ingredients whereas mineral sunscreen does not use harsh chemicals and is much safer.
Did you know?
The sun actually reflects off of snow and onto your skin? It’s just as important to wear sunscreen in the winter as it is in the Summer season. And even if its a cloudy day, up to 20% of UV rays still reach the dermis of your skin, this means...
You should wear sunscreen all year long!!
How Much Sunscreen Do I Apply?
Chances are that you’re not applying enough sunscreen to the skin and are not getting the protection you need. It is recommended that you apply an ounce of sunscreen (the equivalent of a shot glass) to the whole body and face. If you’re applying sunscreen to the face, a nickel sized dollop will do.
So How does SPF actually work?
For starters, SPF stands for: Sun Protection Factor. What this means is that the formula factors in how long it takes for you to burn without any protection versus the amount of time it’ll take when you are protected.