Qu'est ce que le Gua Sha? 

Le Gua Sha est à la fois le nom du traitement et le nom de l'outil utilisé lors de cette pratique thérapeutique. En tant que traitement de MTC, il aide à libérer les éléments malsains de la peau et encourage la guérison. En tant qu'outil, il est largement utilisé dans le massage facial, le massage des tissus profonds et la thérapie par grattage. Les matériaux des outils de Gua Sha sont le jade, le quartz rose, la porcelaine et le basalte qui peuvent être fabriqués de différentes formes.

Que faire avant le Gua Sha?

Before starting Gua Sha, you need to apply massage oil, cream, or lotion on clean skin. Please never do gua sha on dry skin. Then, you can choose the best Gua Sha tool in order to meet your needs since gua sha can be applied on both face and body. Different shapes and materials of Gua Sha stones are used in facial Gua Sha and body Gua Sha differently because they have different features. 

Bienfaits du Gua Sha

Buy real gua sha facial tools, real gua sha stone made from premium crystal quality
Gua Sha facial

Front: From the middle of your forehead and up to your hairline- help healing.

Paupières: From inside of your eyes to outside- work on lymphatic drainage.

Under Eyes: From outside of your eyes to inside- reduce eye bags. 

Cou: From top to bottom of your neck, and from bottom to the top- promote better blood circulation. 

Troisième oeil: From the middle of your eyebrows and up to your hairline- relieve headaches.

Nez: From bottom of your nose and up to your forehead- for sinus flow.

Joues: From the side of your nose to across your cheek- detox lymphatic drainage.

Mâchoire: From your jaw and up to your cheek- better shape for your jaw.

Outils de Gua Sha Thera Crystals®

Body Gua Sha 

Cou et épaules: From the bottom of your neck and up to your head, and from the bottom of your neck to your shoulder- relieve neck pain. 

Dos: From your upper back down to your waist, and from your waist up to your upper back- relieve tension from muscles.

Ventre: From your bottom belly up to your upper belly, and from your upper belly down to your bottom belly, avoid your belly button- deal with digestive issues.

Jambes: From your thigh down to your knee, and from your calf up to your knee- help relax and anti-cellulite. 

Quel forme de Gua Sha utiliser?

Forme de coeur

Mâchoires et joues

Forme de crayon

Points d'acupuncture

Forme de S

Mâchoires, joues et cou

Massage des yeux

Shop gua sha tools online, thera crystals gua sha tools

Zone des yeux

Forme de cuillère

Thera Crystals Facial gua sha tools

Front et cou

Forme de vague

Jambes et dos

Forme de vague

Bras et jambes

Forme de dents

Colone vertébrale

Utilisez le Gua Sha en forme de dent sur le dos.