Would you believe the massage oil you use during a massage is the main reason a client chooses to return or not? – it’s true! There are dozens of different creams and massage oils to choose from, each with many beneficial properties. Usually the therapist chooses a lubricant based off what they like, but what about the client?
Why Massage Oils are Important
Massage oils are natural warming agents. Comparatively, massage creams have a cooling effect because of how they’re applied to the skin. The liquid in them evaporates, and hence the cooling effect!
What to Ask Before You Give a Massage
Always ask if the client has any allergies. If they have a nut allergy or something else, those oils shouldn’t be used. Also, you will want to monitor the temperature and comfort throughout the massage. If the client’s skin appears dry, use more product in the specific area. All in all, a massage oil isn’t going to work for every single person. Having a few on hand to choose from is a good idea.
Different types of Massage Oils, Creams, and Gels
There are a lot of popular massage gels, lotions, and oils out there, all with great benefits. Coconut oil is rich in vitamin E and fatty acids. Almond oil is filled with vitamin E, fatty acids, potassium, and zinc. Grapeseed oil is a great skin moisturizer that absorbs easily. Argan oil is rich in vitamins A and E, and helps to firm up the skin.
There are also other massage lubricants like sesame oil which is rich in linoleic acid and an overall thicker oil. Jojoba oil is rich in vitamins A and E, helping to control bacterial growth. Apricot kernel oil is rich in fatty acids and vitamin A, helping to soften the skin, which is ideal for sensitive skin. Macadamia oil is rich in omega-6 and omega-9, which is perfect for skin regeneration.
What Oil is Right for Me?
If you’re looking to buy massage oil online, you can shop all the varieties mentioned at Lierre.ca. Massage oils can be used in so many different ways but are going to be the most helpful thing towards gliding your hands across skin without pulling it.
The massage lubricant you use really does matter because there could be a reaction from the client’s perspective. Due to the benefits and differences between the many varieties, a massage oil can define how successful a given massage is. For example, if a client dislikes the scent of oil you’re using, are they more or less likely to enjoy the next massage? – exactly.
Choose the best and most reliable massage oils in Canada from Lierre.ca, and recommend it to new and existing clients. Shop with us today! Don’t miss out on our Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales on November 29th. Save up to 80% off on merchandise online.