Moxibustion supplies from Canada

As recent research is increasingly pointing to the value of maintaining strong pre- and post-birth supportive relationships between practitioners and people who are expecting, there has been a resurgence of public interest in more holistic, traditional techniques in birthing. Privileging such an approach involves conceptualizing birth and pregnancy as complex experiences, rather than narrowly as medical conditions.

Moxibustion is one of the complementary services that has become increasingly popular for managing unpleasant experiences associated to pregnancy, such as morning sickness, back pain and headaches. Of course, these services should only be administered by trained and certified traditional Chinese medicine practitioners: certain points and techniques must be avoided when treating pregnant bodies.

Zen smokeless moxa rolls - moxibustion from Canada


Moxibustion’s benefits, however, go beyond symptom management: in fact, moxibustion has proven itself to be exceptionally effective for turning breech babies, and can boost fertility. Post-birth, moxibustion can also help prevent and alleviate some of the symptoms of post-partum depression.

Lierre carries both new and traditional forms of moxa and moxa accessories. You'll find aged golden moxa, tiger warmers, and a series of different types of moxa sticks, both scented and unscented, smokeless and with smoke.

Our accessories include lion warmers, moxa plates, moxa extinguishers, moxa needle caps, moxa spoons, moxa lighters and cleaning brushes. Lierre stocks lion and tiger warmers, cone needles, scoops, torches and even more moxa accessories.

These durable accessories will last you decades of solid practice - just the thing you can trust for your moxibustion treatments.


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