What Do The Different Colors of TheraBand Mean – How to Use

Colored resistance bands. You’ve probably noticed them. The different colors are more about the color preferences of customers, but different levels of exercise they can provide. The blue, green, red and yellow assigned to different bands aren’t trivial. There’s a very good reason to have them.

Different resistance bands have different uses for the bands. The most popular resistance bands in Canada belong to TheraBand. They are known for high-quality resistance bands, each a different color. TheraBand Professional Resistance Band Loop are designed to provide lasting resistance bands. Here are what the colors mean.

  • Yellow is extra-light exercise.
  • Red is light exercise.
  • Green is medium exercise.
  • Blue is heavy exercise.
  • Black is extra heavy exercise.

They are assigned on the basis of intensity of exercise. If you are rehabilitating an injury, for example, you won’t want to immediately jump to heavy weights. Resistance bands have an important purpose here. A person can start light and work their way up.

TheraBand Professional Resistance Band Loop

Colors of TheraBand resistance bands aren’t singularly based on intensity, either. They are also given descriptors to help differentiate between them for muscle groups. Here is another way to interpret the TheraBand resistance band colors.

  • Yellow bands are for shoulders and shins.
  • Red bands are for biceps and triceps.
  • Green bands are for legs, chest, and back.
  • Blue bands are for legs, chest, and back.
  • Blackvbands are for legs, chest, and back.

The legs, chest, and back are larger muscle groups. They can handle larger weights. For TheraBand exercises targeting smaller areas like the shoulders or arms, be careful with the weight. Use yellow or red for these exercises. TheraBand Professional Resistance Bands provided by Lierre.ca are 3 inches coming with 3 lengths that measure 8, 12 or 18 inches when laying flat. 

ThereBand resistance bands are safe, inexpensive, and portable. Once you get the hang of applying them wherever you happen to be, you find you can work out almost anywhere. In a hotel room, on the road, in your bedroom, at home after work, or gone camping. Muscles can be exercised and strengthened as simply as using a resistance band. 

If you’ve never tried resistance bands before, use the colors as your guide. Bands like these are created from various thicknesses. The thickness affects the difficulty of performing an exercise. Latex and non-latex in a fitness band is some pretty tough stuff. While it might look easy enough to do, you will quickly find out that it takes a lot more effort than initially thought to work with resistance bands. Here are some other reasons to try resistance bands.

  • They stretch out the muscles safely.
  • They are a way to re-establish range of motion.
  • Less costly than joining a gym.
  • Less risky than weight training for beginners or injured athletes.

TheraBand Professional Resistance Tubing Loop with Padded Cuffs

If you have fitness goals that remain unattained or are coming back from an injury, TheraBand tubes are fully adjustable in intensity. You can work your way up, gradually getting stronger and stronger. The TheraBand Tubing with Padded Cuffs are designed for upper-body and lower-body exercises, rehabilitation and strength training. Likewise, there are also coded colors to assist you to check which level are you reaching. They are made for users of all fitness levels, and they can be used for individuals or clinical environments. 

  • They’re easy to travel with.
  • Increase bone strength.
  • Boost stamina.

TheraBand Professional Resistance Tubing Loop with Padded Cuffs

Buy TheraBand resistance bands and resistance tubing loops in Canada today from Lierre.ca. High-value exercises at your fingertips!

Fitness resistance bandResistance bandResistance tubing loop

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