Will Massage Oil Ruin My Linens And Massage Table Sheets?

Across any massage table, a massage therapist will lay out fresh linens and sheets before their client enters for their session.

Occasionally, those massage table linens and sheets encounter massage oil which can lead to stains. That’s normal and expected. That’s why there’s a strict protocol on how to wash these sheets and linens.

As a massage therapist, you’ve got to be ready for oil stains and massage oil. They can ruin materials if the linens and massage table sheets aren’t properly cared for.

Don’t Let Your Sheets Sit

The only way massage oil will ruin linens and massage table sheets are if they aren’t washed properly or aren’t washed quickly enough. Do not let your linens and sheets sit for longer than 24 hours. Store them in a tight, closed bag or container if you cannot wash them immediately, although it’s preferable to do so.

What Products To Use

In addressing massage oil on linens and sheets, you do not use a disinfectant. A disinfectant doesn’t do anything for stains. Do not use sanitizer as a sanitizer won’t work to remove stains. Lukewarm water and dish soap is what to use. If you need to, soaking the stain in some degreaser will help loosen the oil from the fibers and ensure it fully comes off when it’s put in the wash.

Always Wash In Lukewarm Water

Hot water can set in some stains while dissolving others. Hot water’s bad for stains like blood, however, for massage oils and lotions, it’s far better than cold water. Lukewarm water’s ideal and more likely to pull out the oils from the material while cold water will likely help set it in which will mean it’s more difficult to remove on your next attempt.

Do This For Tough Stains

If there’s a really bad stain on your linens and massage table sheets, you may want to take one of two approaches: choose a degreaser and follow the instructions that are indicated on the product. Or soak the sheets in dish soap prior to laundering them. Either of these soaks will help remove the massage oils and lotions.

Other Helpful Tips

  • If you can, choose a lower thread count massage sheet as they are easier to wash and accumulate less oil residue.
  • For an easier time getting rid of massage oils from linens and sheets, choose water-dispersible oils and creams. Like TheraPure Body Specific Massage Cream from BioOrigin, the non-greasy and non-clogging massage cream that can be applied for all massage techniques.
  • You should not use bleach. Bleach will eat away at massage table sheets and won’t remove the oil stains. Use a soap with tea tree oil instead. If you’re thinking about bleach, soap with tea tree oil works.
  • High heat with oil residue in sheets is a major cause of fires in massage clinics and spas. Beware of this. Especially before putting sheets into the dryer, give it an inspection to identify any oil stains still prominent. If there’s still lots of oil, don’t put the sheets into the dryer.
  • If you don’t wish to use a commercial degreaser, you can opt for borax or baking soda instead.


Shop high-quality linens and massage table sheets, as well as massage oils and essential oils, at Lierre.ca today. Moreover, do not miss Lierre's Labor Day Sale 2022. Enjoy up to 40% off in fitness, Vitamins, and Household supplies! 

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