Latex or Fabric Resistance Bands: Which One is Better For Your Workout

In every gym bag, resistance bands are a gift. For versatile strength training, elastic resistance bands are where it’s at.

The best resistance bands are made from either fabric or latex. Material like this is stretchy, comfortable in one’s grip, and allows for some adjustment to be made based off one’s fitness level.

Ask any resistance band fitness fan and they will probably each give a somewhat different opinion on which is better. Some claim fabric bands are far and away superior while others prefer latex bands. Here’s why a case can be made for both.

 Why Latex Resistance Bands Are Better

TheraBand Professional Resistance Band Loop

Latex resistance bands typically come in a pack of three or five and range in levels from extra-light to extra-heavy. Latex bands are most common for lower body workouts and long-band upper body workouts.

The advantages to latex bands are that they’re very versatile, inexpensive, and can be easily cleaned.

As wonderful as they are, there are some cons to buying latex resistance bands. Latex is uncomfortable and at times can stick on the skin. They tend to roll up which can pose some challenges. They also rip easily. Latex isn’t a durable material. If you use them frequently for stretching motions, you may very well tear them in time.

 Why Fabric Resistance Bands Are Better

 Lierre Resistance Bands Set (3 sizes)

Fabric resistance bands are sort of an answer to latex bands, covering up the latter’s many weaknesses.

Fabric Resistance bands are usually sold separately and also vary in difficulty from light to heavy. They are mostly used for lower-body workouts i.e. squats, lunges, hip thrusts, and glute kickbacks.

Fabric resistance bands are considered more comfortable and they’re incredibly strong which are perfect for weightlifters who really want to challenge themselves.

Despite the benefits of fabric, the disadvantages to this kind of resistance band are focused around being difficult to clean and the challenges of applying them to an upper-body workout. Fabric bands are most appropriate for lower-body only.

 Choosing the Right Resistance Bands For Your Workout

 Both types of resistance bands come with pros and cons. The ultimately thing to both is they contribute to a better all-around workout.

If you can’t try latex and fabric bands and decide from there, make a prediction as to what’s most useful to you.

A lot of people prioritize comfort. In that case, fabric may be better. Alternatively, some just like the feel of latex.

If you’re looking to do more than a few lower-body workouts, latex resistance bands are recommended. Fabric doesn’t do the best job at upper-body exercises, unfortunately.

 Find the resistance bands for you today. Latex and fabric provide excellent external resistance for your muscles to work against, and both are adjustable to various fitness levels. A question of many answers, as to which one is the better resistance band, it comes down to you. Visit to find your answer.

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