5 Massage Oils To Pick To Get The Most From Your Body Massage

Massage oils can take even an average massage and make it into something more. A smooth, rejuvenating massage relies heavily on the quality of the massage oil to de-stress and calm the body, while providing the glide that both, giver and the recipient, want.

The right base oil can also act as the ultimate way to make your own with the inclusion of essential oils. Lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, and tea tree oil are all effective, medicinal, and beautifully scented. You can’t use essential oils for a body massage, however, without a base oil diluting them.

Here are our 5 favorite massage oils to help you get the most from your body massage.

Argan Oil

Argan oil is known well in the massage industry for being non-greasy. A lot of these oils are. Argan oil moisturizes well, treats acne, and can help contribute to healing skin infections. Argan oil contains anti-aging, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties, and offers a nice blend of linoleic acid, vitamin E, and omega fatty acids helping to lock in moisture and provide that nice glide.

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil comes from the seed of the jojoba plant. It’s not actually an oil. Jojoba oil is actually a wax though it feels like an oil. It’s light and does not have a greasy consistency like other oils. Jojoba oil has antibacterial and anti-aging properties, and works well in healing eczema, seborrheic, and dermatitis. It’s an excellent base oil for a body massage.

Olive Oil

Olive oil – the non-cooking kind – is a well-appreciated body massage oil. It’s not heavy and is effective on dry, rough skin, helping to moisturize and prep the area. Olive oil promotes blood flow, reduces muscle spasms and inflammation, and contains several minerals and antioxidants which will nurture the skin well throughout and after the massage.

Almond Oil

Almond oil quickly absorbs into the skin, improving skin tone, treating dry skin, and even reversing damage caused by the sun when used regularly. It’s packed with vitamin A, D, K, omega fatty acids, and minerals, and is one of the best massage oils for body massage you will ever find. Almond oil is well worth the buy.

Sunflower Oil 

Sunflower oil is packed with a variety of essential fatty acids closely associated with skin rejuvenation. It’s a very healthy oil, non-greasy, and helps to moisturize the skin. For example, Sunflower Massage Oil from Lierre contains linoleic acid, helping to nourish the skin. This is a great oil to add in some peppermint, eucalyptus, or lavender essential oil to.


Find these five massage oils and other body massage oils non-greasy, healthy, and all-natural at Lierre.ca today. You can also choose out your favorite essential oils to blend in with your base oil at the same time and get everything all at once. Moreover, do not miss Lierre's Labor Day Sale 2022. Enjoy up to 40% off in fitness, Vitamins, and Household supplies! 

Body massage oilDeep tissue massageLabor day sale 2022Massage suppliesMassage therapy

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