Acupuncture Supplies

Types of Acupuncture Needles
In acupuncture, there are a number of different ways to customize the different types of acupuncture needles used. There are some more flexible and...

What Are The Side Effects of Acupuncture?
There is always a negative side to any curation, acupuncture is not an exception among them. Acupuncture is an effective treatment among all tradit...

Magnet Therapy and Its Benefits
There is still no study found that magnets actually heal your injuries completely, but it has been used by many, that it is a kind of placebo; like...

What can Acupuncture Do to You?
It all stated with Traditional Chinese medicine explaining acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force known as qi or...

Acupuncture… for The Ears?
It might seem surprising, but the ear is point of interconnection between different organs in many different healing philosophies and systems. Thou...

Acu Relaxo Tab-less Acupuncture Needles from Lierre Canada
Acu Relaxo Tab-less acupuncture needles are recognised for their remarkably easy, painless insertion and their innovative design. The Tab-less line...