Acupuncture Supplies
How to choose high quality acupuncture needles
Being aware of the quality of the material used is a constant concern of health professionals in an area where the practitioner must be able to ex...
Can Acupuncture Change your Life Habits for the Better – Absolutely!
Life’s worth living. In treatment, acupuncture’s proven to be a safe and effective method of achieving optimum health and wellness for Canadians f...
How Acupuncture may be Able to Help your Chronic Migraines Disappear
Chronic migraines can make daily life unbearable and sadly, there are thousands of Canadians suffering from just that every day. Chronic migraines...
The Ultimate Guide to Gua Sha, Jade Facial Rollers, and Chinese Medicine
Chinese medicine is being looked to for everything on how to improve skin to resolving chronic pain, increase athletic performance, treating anxie...
What Acupuncture Does when Used Correctly by a Certified Practitioner
What does acupuncture do – well, as it turns out, a lot. How acupuncture works begins with understanding what acupuncture is.
A form of traditio...
Study says Acupuncture can Eliminate Chemotherapy Side Effects
Chemotherapy can have plenty of side effects including hand-foot syndrome, redness, swelling, tingling, numbness, itching, and physical pain. Acco...