Acupuncture Supplies
5 Frequently Asked Questions about Acupuncture
Acupuncture is rooted in ancient Daoist tradition, brought to Western perspectives decades ago. Although it’s an effective way to treat pain and o...
Here are Canada’s #1 Acupuncture Needles Brand List
Acupuncture has been shown to help patients overcome limitations set in pain, stress, women’s health issues, allergies, weakened immune systems, d...
3 Amazing and Unexpected Benefits of Acupuncture in Canada
Acupuncture uses the insertion of extremely thin needles into the skin, having been used for thousands of years to treat a wide array of different...
What is Laser Acupuncture and How Does it Work
Laser acupuncture uses infrared technology to complete the same effect that acupuncture needles normally would. This type of acupuncture is a new ...
The Ultimate Anatomy of Acupuncture Needles Guide – Presented by
One of the most common questions acupuncturists get from new patients is, ‘Can I see the needle?’
Understandably, if you’ve never had acupunctur...
Which Acupuncture Needles Should you Buy?
Clinical considerations when it comes to selecting acupuncture needles makes up a small list. Acupuncturists generally should have at least two ty...