Acupuncture Supplies

3 Amazing and Unexpected Benefits of Acupuncture in Canada
Acupuncture uses the insertion of extremely thin needles into the skin, having been used for thousands of years to treat a wide array of different...

How Acupuncture may be Able to Help your Chronic Migraines Disappear
Chronic migraines can make daily life unbearable and sadly, there are thousands of Canadians suffering from just that every day. Chronic migraines...

Why an Acupuncture Facial may be Just as Effective as Botox for Some
Jessica Alba recently shared her facial acupuncture experience on her Instagram. Stirring up conversation around the effectiveness and purpose of a...

Acupuncture… for The Ears?
It might seem surprising, but the ear is point of interconnection between different organs in many different healing philosophies and systems. Thou...

What is the de-qi sensation?
If you’re familiar with Chinese acupuncture, you may have already heard this expression, but may or may not know what it means. In fact – perhaps a...

What Do You Know About Aculifting?
Though most Canadians are aware of acupuncture as a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine, not everyone’s aware of its increasingly prominent role i...