Silicone cupping treatment

How To Sanitize Your Silicone Cupping Set Properly?

Cupping is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has became one of the most popular alternative therapy. With the rise of silicone cupping sets, there are many people choose to do home cupping therapy themselves. Because silicone cupping sets are soft, comfortable, and easy to use. It is true that do cupping at home is more affordable and convenient compare to visit a cupping practitioner. However, the biggest problem people face is, how to clean the silicone cups after cupping?

How to clean the silicone cups?

How to clean silicone cups really depends on the purposes of using them. For example, for professional use or personal use. Because silicone cupping sets are often used with oils, gels or lotions, they are hard to be cleaned just by water. However, it is important to wash the cups properly, because people can be easily infected by using uncleaned cups. 

Professional use 

If you are a practitioner who use silicone cupping sets as a professional tool on patients, you need to sanitize the cups carefully since the cups will be placed on many other patients. You do not want your patients to get infections.

Professional sterilization is done by immersing cups in a bleach solution to disinfect them. We recommend you to use ten parts water, one part bleach (10/1) and soaking them for two hours. The proportion can vary depending the regions and order’s standards. You should definitely consult your local association for further instructions.

Glass cupping sets from Canada

Personal use 

If you are using silicone cupping sets only for yourself, you can clean them with soap or disinfectants. It is important to thoroughly wipe the cups first if you use your cupping sets with oil. After wiping the cups, you can clean them with neutral (preferably unscented) soap to get rid of the dirt or oil residue. If you concern the cups will not be clean enough by only this way, you can also leave the cups in boiling water for two or three minutes. Please remember to clean your cups every time before and after using them.

Jade Soft Silicone cupping set from Canada

In addition to the methods that are mentioned above, disinfectant is a good choice for you to sanitize your cupping sets. GermiCide3 Multi-Surface Disinfectant and GermXtra Surface Disinfectant 4L at are two perfect products that we strongly recommend to you. They are effective, convenient, and you only need to wait a few minutes after applying them. 

In conclusion, sanitize silicone cupping sets properly is important since people might get infections by using unclean cups. The cleaning methods are depend on the uses of silicone cups, but you can always choose disinfectant to sanitize your cups. 


If you are interested in home cupping and looking for some professional cupping sets, please visit! We offer a wide variety of silicone cups for you!

CuppingCupping sets in canadaCupping therapyJade soft cuppingSilicone cupsVentouse en silicone

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